Book cover design and Photoshop artwork for Audience of One Publishing
"Net 'n komma, nie 'n punt nie" Volume 2 compiled by Elaine Broekman & Antoinette Kloppers
Book cover design and illustration for Audience of One Publishing
"GENESIS - Yeshua in die Begin" written by Roelf Craig.
Book cover design and lay-out for Audience of One Publishing
"Tell your story" written by Ilze Viljoen.
Book cover design and illustration for Audience of One Publishing
"Laat die Lig Binne" written by Susan Koen.
Book cover design and illustration for Audience of One Publishing
"Discover Your Amazing Brain" written by Dr Charléne Heyns-Nell.
Book cover design and illustration for Audience of One Publishing
"The Last Call" written by Laurika du Plessis & Pieter Potgieter.
Book cover lay-out for Audience of One Publishing
"God in the ICU" written by Dave Walker MD.
Book cover design and illustration for Audience of One Publishing
"Lead me to Your Tranquil Waters" written by Stephnie Hadassah Diederiks.
Below: Chapter divider illustrations for
"Lead me to Your Tranquil Waters" written by Stephnie Hadassah Diederiks.
Book cover design and illustration for Audience of One Publishing
"Through the Fire" written by Antoinette Kloppers.
Book cover design and la-out for Audience of One Publishing
"My Life Song" written by Julita Lambrechts
Book cover illustration created in Photoshop and graphic design for Audience of One Publishing
"Oasis: a place of refreshment" written by Derdré Healey
Book cover illustration created in Illustrator and graphic design for Audience of One Publishing
"Decision Point" written by Dieter Jansen

Animated digital image of 'Decision Point' social media marketing

Book cover design  for Audience of One Publishing
"Being Elma" written by Elma Ferreira (Introduction by Psychologist Emily Brown). Cover illustration by Elma Ferreira.
Book cover design  for Audience of One Publishing
"Diepe Waters" written by Pierre Fourie
Book cover illustration and designed for Audience of One Publishing
"Kaalvoetspore" written by Marina Olivier
Book cover design and Photoshop artwork for Audience of One Publishing
"There is no more time" written by Andre Strydom. Hand with watch illustration was commissioned to another artist by the author.
Book cover design and Photoshop artwork for Audience of One Publishing
"Divine Design of Mankind" written by Gerrit Nel
Book cover design and Photoshop artwork for Audience of One Publishing
"Net 'n komma, nie 'n punt nie" compiled by Elaine Broekman
Book cover design and Photoshop artwork for Audience of One Publishing - Not published yet
"Tapestry" written by Charlotte Mei-Lin Snyman
Book cover design and illustration for Audience of One Publishing
"Hakskoen, Platskoen, Kaalvoet Book" also in English "Stilletos, Sandals, Barefoot",
written by Marina Olivier
Below: Rachel-Mari Ackermann, Marina Olivier and Elaine Broekman - Audience of One Publishing
Book cover graphic design for Audience of One Publishing
"Woman in Waiting" by Luzanne Nel
Photography by Claudia De Nobrega, for more info go to
Book cover graphic design for Audience of One Publishing
"The Kingdom Way of Life" written by Kobus Theron

Book cover graphic design for Audience of One Publishing
"Die laaste dag" written by Elaine Broekman

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